2023: The Year of the Mother

Last year I had huge expectations of myself. I took over Earth Mama in November 2021, was due to give birth in February 2022 and expected to be able to confidently mother two young children with little-to-no adjustment period, grow a business, run the household and spend quality time with Brendon all while filling my cup regularly. Too much now that I look back at it!
Becoming a mother of two was not the easiest adjustment for me. I found it challenging to constantly meet the needs of two young children at the same time - one who was getting used to the world and one who was realising that she suddenly had to share hers. Mix that with an intense winter of relentless sickness, COVID, and then sleep challenges and buying/selling a house, it really all became too much. But I insisted on holding my expectations. It was stressful, overwhelming, and robbed me of my presence.
Our son Bodie is a sensitive wee soul and has required so much more of me than I had prepared fro (based on how Charli was as a baby). This challenged me in so many ways. 2022 really showed me that our children have things to teach us and the big lesson I received from Bodie was surrender. I learnt (well, I'm still learning...) to let go of the things that don't really matter, in order to support Bodie and Charli with their needs as they navigate the world around them. To be the mother that they need right now. This meant letting go of some of the other goals I had hoped to achieve, and you know what, I'm ok with it. I have achieved so much more and grown in other ways.
In a surprise twist, we made the decision to keep Charli at home with me full time this year and it feels so exciting. Having Charli with a wonderful home based educator three days a week was an absolute blessing while I adjusted to being a mother of two, but I was really starting to miss having her around.
I'm feeling really pulled to land more deeply into the traditional role of "mother: - nurturing and nourishing the family, our home, simplifying our calendar, spending more time in nature, baking, playing, growing our own food... so many exciting things I want to share with the kids while they're little. I had so much fun creating a vision board and have called this year "The Year of the Mother" as a little reminder of what I wish to focus on.
Earth Mama is still very much on my radar, and something I love giving time and energy to. It will just be happening in a way that can happen with more ease. In the few weeks fo 2023 so far, I feel like I'm home. Focused on being "mother" of our family and home. I'm finding joy again in cooking and playing, and easing the expectations to have a pristine home. Charli and Bodie are calmer and happier. It has given me some clarity for myself, my life, my family and also Earth Mama.
When I bought this business I knew I wanted it to be more than "just" a store - I want it to be a hub that engages, educates and inspires, as well as selling some of our favourites! I feel as though I've found my direction by incorporating my passion for natural, earth friendly alternatives, simplicity and my background in education. I look forward to bringing life to the blog for all things Mum life, home, lifestyle and learning through play.
Until next time,
Jaimee 🧡