Did you know that you can recycle your Soft Plastics?

Did you know that you can recycle your SOFT PLASTICS?
Last year Kiwis dropped off 365 Tonnes of soft plastics for recycling. That's a massive 91 Million bags!
This has been a game changer for me on my own journey to reduce our household waste.
I now keep a reusable shopping bag in the kitchen and all the soft plastics that would have ended up in our rubbish bin, now go in there. You will be so surprised how quickly this bag fills up with soft plastics.
When packaging your child's lunchbox, pop the wrappers in your soft plastics recycling bag at home and send the food wrapper free in their waste-free lunchbox.
Any courier bags, frozen food bags, cereal box liners, pasta bags, the list is endless of soft plastics that we accumulate in our homes, pop these in your soft plastics recycling bag at home and the next trip to the Supermarket, drop them in the NZ Soft Plastics Recycling.
NZ Soft Plastics Recycling accepts all the following items for recycling:
• Reusable carrier shopping bags (100% polypropylene)
• Carrier Bags
• Bread, pasta & rice bags
• Fresh produce bags and net citrus bags
• Frozen food bags (frozen vegetable, fries, burgers, nuggets, poultry etc.)
• Confectionery wrap and lolly bags
• Dairy wrappers
• Plastic packaging around toilet paper, kitchen towels, nappies and sanitary products
• Courier packs
• Newspaper and Magazine wrap
• Chocolate & muesli bar wrappers and Biscuit packets (wrapper only)
• Chip packets
• Squeeze pouches (keep the lid on)
• Ice cream wrappers
• Cereal box liners
• Bubble wrap and large sheets of plastic that furniture comes wrapped in (cut into pieces the size of an A3 sheet of paper first)
New Zealanders use over 1.6 billion plastic bags in the home every year.
Love NZ Soft Plastics Scheme is about recycling soft plastic bags and wrappers because they have found new uses for them. Collect all the soft plastics which you use at home, make sure the bags are empty, clean and dry, and drop them into the Love NZ Soft Plastics Recycling bins at these participating stores.
Soft plastic packaging is not collected for recycling by councils because it can contaminate the recycling process, therefore bring your used soft plastics back to store and put them in the recycling bin.
For further information please visit Love NZ Soft Plastics website.